• To Meet in Hell

    British doctor who was forced to play God in Belsen: He was one of the first to stumble on the horrors of the SS camp in a forest – now, 75 years on, a new book captures the depths of wickedness he witnessed as he struggled to decide who could be saved.  8,277 total views

  • Bronislawa Wiechowna

    A famous photo taken at Belsen. The photo was taken by Sgt Oakes on 21st April 1945, stating “Women of the camp collect bread ration.”  11,779 total views

  • Gordon Dutton (Medical Student)

    Former consultant psychiatrist South Ockenden Hospitals, London (b Hertfordshire 1923; q Middlesex 1946; MD, FRCPsych), d 23 July 1999.  9,388 total views

  • belsen trial

    The Perpetrators at Belsen

    At least 480 people, including around 45 women, had worked at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp as guards or members of the headquarters staff. Very few ever had to answer for their crimes before a court of law.  5,647 total views

  • Liberation Dolls

    ‘Liberation dolls’ come to auction in Newbury. When the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was liberated on April 15, 1945, a party of British Red Cross nurses and doctors stayed and tended those they could help back to health.  9,629 total views

  • Jim Henderson (113th LAA)

    Faded photographs which have been weathered by time still convey the brutal horrors a young soldier witnessed when he helped liberate a Nazi death camp.  9,010 total views

  • Sir William Melville Arnott

    Physician, soldier and university administrator, William Melville Amott, known as ‘Melville’, was one of the last of a generation of academic physicians whose professional careers started in the 1930s when medical science was beginning to emerge as an important discipline.  10,492 total views