80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belsen
As we draw nearer to the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Belsen we thank all the contributors that have been in touch to continue to build this archive. 683 total views
Douglas Brock Peterkin
11th Light Field Ambulance. 599 total views
Maurice Hewlett (113th LAA)
My grandpa was 26 when he got to Bergen Belsen. 9,487 total views
Kenneth Knight – RAMC
I am Kenneth Claude James Knight, now aged 85 (article dated November 2003 – Ed) and living in Dorset. 9,550 total views
First in (Pt 2)
Further info for the ‘First In’ to Belsen… 10,363 total views
Harold Burgh (REME)
Harold Burgh, World War II veteran and former warrant officer in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. 13,053 total views
Medical Students: Middlesex Hospital
Medical Students: Middlesex Hospital 11,943 total views
658 Air Observation Post Squadron
Belsen (officially Bergen-Belsen) concentration camp was set up in 1940, located in modern Lower Saxony, Germany. Until 1943 the camp served exclusively as a Prisoner of War (POW) camp. In April 1943 the German Schutzstaffel (SS) took over a portion of Bergen-Belsen and converted it first into a civilian residence camp and, later, into a concentration camp. Whilst Bergen-Belsen contained no gas chambers, an estimated 50,000 people died of starvation, overwork, disease, brutality and medical experiments. 9,613 total views
Bertram Clayton Brealey
Today (3.12.2013) at Hartshill Cemetery, Staffordshire a lady spoke to me while visiting a grave. 10,827 total views
Maj Benjamin George Barnett (63rd ATR)
Major Ben Barnett, one of the first British officers to arrive at Belsen, wrote: “There are no words in the English language that can give a true impression of the ghastly horrors of this camp.” 9,889 total views