• Luba Tryszynska – The Angel of Belsen

    Her own 3-year-old son had been torn from her arms and died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. But on her second night in the Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp, the woman who became known as the “Angel of Belsen” acted as any mother would when she heard children crying.  12,695 total views

  • William Edward Yapp

    WWII Army Catering Corps, landed Arromanches D-Day+1, slight wound in advance on Caen, involved in liberation of Belsen.  9,234 total views

  • Sydney John Fletcher (RAF)

    My father, Syd, never talked that much about his wartime service with the RAF Regiment but occasionally reminisced about his mates, guard duties at the War Ministry in London, making friends with the mayor of a Belgian town, always the lighthearted side of wartime exploits.  8,655 total views

  • Think Pink?

    Following on from the initial colouring of the famous Belsen Liberation sign, we took a lot of time to ensure the colour was correct – particularly to see if the red wording was actually red.  9,616 total views