• Sol Goldberg – First Canadian Army

    Growing up the fourth of six children of a poor immigrant Jewish family in Depression-era Hamilton, Ont., Sol Goldberg had to leave high school early to help support the family financially.  9,008 total views

  • Norman Ernest Scarsbrook

    Born in August 1920, Norman had worked as a builder’s labourer before the war. He enlisted into the Royal Army Service Corps and was in France with the British Expeditionary force, being evacuated from Dunkirk in May 1940.  9,676 total views

  • Eryl Hall Williams (FRS)

    On April 21st, 1945, a team from the Friends [Quakers] Relief Service arrived to help clear the camp, to comfort the many dying inmates, and to care as best they could for the surviving ones.  9,670 total views

  • Belsen Our Story

    Belsen: Our Story is a one-hour documentary film telling the untold story of the infamous Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where over 50,000 people, died primarily from starvation and disease in the last phase of World War II. It was released in 2020 and shown on the BBC.  11,021 total views

  • Squadron Leader Ted Aplin (RCAF)

    Edwin Miller Aplin (known as Ted) emmigrated to Canada in 1930 where he met his future wife Elinor Grave Leef. They married on 4 July 1931.  9,723 total views

  • James Ernest Thompson (437 Sqn RCAF)

    My grandfather, F/O James Ernest Thompson (Ernie) of 437 sqn RCAF was there shortly after it was overrun by the Brits. His and two other Dakotas picked up Brass and Medical personell in Belgium and landed next to the camp in a field. They took some people of interest who had been prisoners there to a hospital in France before they realized the extent of the Typhus epidemic.  11,053 total views

  • Major John Grice, RAMC

    This kit, wrapped in a green canvas cover, contains some of the equipment used by an army medical officer when on active service, and includes scalpels, clamps, scissors, forceps, a hammer and tins of cat-gut and silk-worm gut ligatures.  9,329 total views