Newspaper Cutting – Reg Price
Reg Price and Cyril Nicklin at Belsen Concentration Camp. 11,959 total views
The Numbers
113th LAA Regiment RA (Durham Light Infantry) arrived at Belsen on the 18th April. The Panzer Barracks at Hohne, a short distance from the Belsen camp, was converted into a hospital and a transit camp. The DLI Regimental Journal for October 1946 reported the battalion recorded the following personel (live). 12,867 total views
Frank Moreham – 113th DLI
I attach a photo of Frank Joseph Moreham, must have been taken late ’45 and a copy of his Mention in despatches. He certainly looks happy and OK. 12,733 total views
Eric Lines – 113th DLI
My Father, Major Eric Lines MM RA was part of the liberation of Belsen. 12,192 total views
E W Blackbell (113th LAA)
Blackbell, E W (Capt.) (113 LAA) Birth 17 Aug 1912 Sunderland, Durham, England Death 1981 Sunderland, Durham, England 9,891 total views
Charles Hall 113th DLI
When Charles Hall was told his unit would be travelling behind enemy lines to take charge of a Nazi concentration camp, he could hardly have imagined the horrors he was about to encounter. Paul Willis, Northen Echo, meets a man who helped liberate Belsen. 12,430 total views
113th LAA – Photos (Boyes)
A series of photos from a member of the 113th LAA – Royal Artillery. 8,525 total views
John Morris (113th LAA) Despatch Rider
My grand father, gunner John Morris was present at the Liberation. He was a dispatch rider in the Royal Artillery attached to a Light Anti Aircraft regiment. 9,941 total views
Think Pink?
Following on from the initial colouring of the famous Belsen Liberation sign, we took a lot of time to ensure the colour was correct – particularly to see if the red wording was actually red. 10,468 total views
113th LAA – Vehicle Identifications
Fabulous detective work over on the WW2 Talk Forum with regards to the 113th LAA vehicles to enable postive identification of other vehicles – 162. 9,948 total views