• Liberation of Bergen Belsen

    The Numbers

    113th LAA Regiment RA (Durham Light Infantry) arrived at Belsen on the 18th April. The Panzer Barracks at Hohne, a short distance from the Belsen camp, was converted into a hospital and a transit camp. The DLI Regimental Journal for October 1946 reported the battalion recorded the following personel (live).  12,867 total views

  • Frank Moreham – 113th DLI

    I attach a photo of Frank Joseph Moreham, must have been taken late ’45 and a copy of his Mention in despatches. He certainly looks happy and OK.  12,733 total views

  • E W Blackbell (113th LAA)

    Blackbell, E W (Capt.) (113 LAA) Birth 17 Aug 1912 Sunderland, Durham, England Death 1981 Sunderland, Durham, England  9,891 total views

  • Charles Hall 113th DLI

    When Charles Hall was told his unit would be travelling behind enemy lines to take charge of a Nazi concentration camp, he could hardly have imagined the horrors he was about to encounter. Paul Willis, Northen Echo, meets a man who helped liberate Belsen.  12,430 total views

  • Think Pink?

    Following on from the initial colouring of the famous Belsen Liberation sign, we took a lot of time to ensure the colour was correct – particularly to see if the red wording was actually red.  10,468 total views