First in – 63rd Anti Tank Regt.
A super photo of B Troop, Anti Tank Regt. 249 Battery. (Oxford Yeomanry). 11,315 total views
Bertram Clayton Brealey
Today (3.12.2013) at Hartshill Cemetery, Staffordshire a lady spoke to me while visiting a grave. 10,815 total views
Maj Benjamin George Barnett (63rd ATR)
Major Ben Barnett, one of the first British officers to arrive at Belsen, wrote: “There are no words in the English language that can give a true impression of the ghastly horrors of this camp.” 9,858 total views
Major George Wyndham Le Strange
The Strange Account of Major George Wyndham Le Strange. 11,971 total views
Tomi Reichental on liberation day in Bergen-Belsen
Tomi Reichental on liberation day in Bergen-Belsen. 10,443 total views
James Willis Oliphant – 11th Armoured Division
Hi, my Grandfather, James Willis Oliphant served with the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry all through the war, latterly with the 2nd Fifes as part of 11th Armoured Division, the Black Bull which liberated Belsen. 11,544 total views
John Proskie (RCAF/224 Mil Gov)
Canadian, Proskie was assigned to 224 Military Government. He arrived at Belsen April 17th. 11,468 total views
William Roach Account at Belsen
William Roach, Troop Commander in the 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regt, and Battery Commander Major Chapman were told to go to Belsen. With two troops, they arrived at the camp mid-morning on 15th April. 9,589 total views
Anita Lasker Wallfisch – Liberation
Anita Lasker Wallfisch speaks about her liberation from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. 8,272 total views
Alan Kenny & Bernard Meade (Medical Students, Kings College)
It is really pleasing to know there are many families of the personnel who served at Bergen Belsen concentration camp who are still actively remembering their relatives and the important roles they played during the liberation. 12,699 total views