Peter John Horsey: Medical Student
Dr Peter John Horsey 24/07/1924 to 18/01/2015 11,051 total views
George Millington Woodwark: Medical Student
Born in 1923 in England and grew up on Harley Street, London, died peacefully on June 4, 2012. 13,499 total views
Sir James Gowans (1924-2020)
St Catherine’s College is saddened to share the news that Sir James Gowans, Honorary and Founding Fellow, passed away on 1st April, 2020 aged 95. 12,637 total views
Alan Kenny & Bernard Meade (Medical Students, Kings College)
It is really pleasing to know there are many families of the personnel who served at Bergen Belsen concentration camp who are still actively remembering their relatives and the important roles they played during the liberation. 12,897 total views
Charles Kyndt – Medical Student
Charles Kyndt – medical student at Belsen. The London Hospital 11,621 total views
John Goff Kilner (Medical Student)
Middlesex Hospital 11,364 total views
Guy’s Hospital Medical Students
Guy’s Hospital medical students. 11,943 total views
Thomas Gibson – Medical Student
During early April a notice appeared in the Medical Schools of the London hospitals asking for twelve volunteers from each to make up a party of a hundred students, whose object would be to treat starvation cases in Holland under the auspices of the Red Cross. 11,743 total views
James Learmonth Gowans: Medical Student
Sir James Learmonth Gowans CBE FRS FRCP (7 May 1924 – 1 April 2020) was a British physician and immunologist. In 1945 while studying medicine at King’s College Hospital, he assisted at the liberated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp as a voluntary medical student. 10,493 total views
Medical Students: St Mary’s Hospital
St Mary’s Hospital, Medical Students. 11,829 total views