• marie gent Belsen

    Marie Lillian Gent

    Having become quite interested in Genealogy and I’ve been able to find out a lot about my family including meeting “cousins” who connect 7 generations ago in the 1750’s.  5,678 total views

  • Major Harold Daintree Johnson, 224 Parachute Field Ambulance

    On 15 April 1945 224 Parachute Field Ambulance was the first medical team that went into Bergen-Belsen. Below is the army description of the situation found, in efficient military language, taken from the archives of 224th Parachute Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.  9,735 total views

  • bergen belsen concentration camp

    Kenneth Knight – RAMC

    I am Kenneth Claude James Knight, now aged 85 (article dated November 2003 – Ed) and living in Dorset.  9,678 total views

  • Liberation of Bergen Belsen

    Anthony Stedman Till – RAMC

    Anthony Stedman Till, known as ‘Tim’, was a consultant surgeon in Oxford. He was born in London, on 5 September 1909, the eldest son of Thomas Marson Till OBE, an accountant, and Gladys Stedman, the daughter of a metal broker in the City.  11,606 total views

  • Eric Trott (RAMC)

    Last week The Royal Anglian Regiment Museum had a call from Andy Strowman, an old friend of a Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment veteran named Eric Trott who passed away in 1999. Despite our status as a relatively new regiment, it is important to note that the former regiments are still a very prevalent part of our heritage.  9,720 total views

  • Eric Trott – RAMC

    Social worker Andy Strowman would like the council to honour this ‘humble, kind and gentle man’ with a memorial plaque in Edward Street where he lived.  7,077 total views

  • Patrick Mollison CBE (RAMC)

    Patrick Mollison was a pioneer in blood transfusion, playing a major role in changing it from a risky procedure to one which is now extremely safe.  9,468 total views