The Red Cross at Belsen
More to follow… 11,536 total views
Josephine Bunting
Known as Madge, she was born in December 1918 to parents Lionel and Bessie Bunting of Churchill Road Chipping Norton. 10,150 total views
Molly Silva Jones – British Red Cross
The human laundry. ‘Going into that place, who could forget it?’ wrote Molly Sylva* Jones of the Red Cross. 9,822 total views
Liberation Dolls
‘Liberation dolls’ come to auction in Newbury. When the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was liberated on April 15, 1945, a party of British Red Cross nurses and doctors stayed and tended those they could help back to health. 9,829 total views
Johanna Hogerzeil (Han)
Dr Han Collis, was a courageous life-long champion of children particularly in Germany’s immediate post-war horror, later in Nigeria, India, and in her adopted country, Ireland. 9,548 total views
William Robert Fitzgerald Collis – Red Cross
William Robert Fitzgerald Collis (1900–1975) was an Irish doctor and writer. As an author he was known as Robert Collis. As a doctor, he was commonly known as Dr Bob Collis. Maurice Collis was his elder brother. 12,251 total views
George Edward Packman – British Red Cross
British Red Cross. 12,549 total views