• William Edward Yapp

    WWII Army Catering Corps, landed Arromanches D-Day+1, slight wound in advance on Caen, involved in liberation of Belsen.  8,682 total views

  • Think Pink?

    Following on from the initial colouring of the famous Belsen Liberation sign, we took a lot of time to ensure the colour was correct – particularly to see if the red wording was actually red.  8,843 total views

  • Nigel A. Kinnear (Red Cross)

    Prof Nigel A. Kinnear who died on July 19th was a man with many talents. He was a distinguished surgeon, a dedicated teacher who acted as a role model for a generation of young doctors and medical students, and a gifted sportsman who enjoyed life to the full with a sense of humour and a remarkable wit.  9,699 total views