Francis, George Fisher (113th LAA)
I recently discovered a small book of poetry which was written by my Dad prior and during WW2. He wasn’t the greatest poet, but its treasured by the family and I thought it would be a nice touch to create a photobook for our family.
I thought it would be good to start off with a paragraph or two about his military service. Like many people I never took the opportunity to ask questions why he was alive and greatly regret it. We know he saw service in Germany and also believe he was evacuated on a naval vessel from Dunkirk. All we have to go on is his soldiers release book. I have detailed what this reveals below
Soldiers Release book class A 5MDU
Surname Fisher
Initials Francis George
Army Number 1490783
Rank Gunner
Arm of service RA (LAA)
A small stamp seems to say
369 LAA BTY 113 LAA regt R A (DLI) TA
Date of last enlistment 15.7 1939 release leave certificate 16 Jan 1946
We believe he acted as a fitter on the Anti Aircraft guns (I assume) he had made mention that if shells failed, he was responsible for clearing and reloading the guns.
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