The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

Welcome this new archive relating and dedicated to the men and women service personnel and the part they played at the Liberation and subsequent Humanitarian Effort of the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp in 1945: The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a name/details to coincide with the anniversary of the liberation of Bergen Belsen – we’ll go through all your submissions, moderate and add them on. If you have a photo or any more details please email us. Thank you.

We are now inviting any relatives of service personnel who may have been at the camp to get in touch. Any regiment, service, nationality, volunteer or any snippet of information – we would like to hear from you. We do not believe there are any records of the diverse group of men and women, many completely untrained, who were involved with the camp, after it’s liberation.

Those That Served

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There are currently 17 names in this directory beginning with the letter N.
Nankeville, Bill
Unit currently unknown. George William Nankeville (24 March 1925 – 8 January 2021) was a British middle distance athlete who won the AAA mile title four times in five years between 1948 and 1952. Nankeville was born on 24 March 1925 to a working class background and his father was a milkman. Nankeville was a natural runner and early on didn't have any coaching but he still raced before joining an athletics club. In 1944, during World War II, he joined the army having made parachute containers and petrol tanks in Woking for three years prior. He served in Brussels, Belgium, Hamburg, Germany and took part in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. He was also the father of television impressionist Bobby Davro. He died in January 2021 at the age of 95.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Natolski, Richard Dr. (Camp 1 Hospital)
A political prisoner at Belsen. In the very early days Hardman appealed to Colonel Johnston, who allowed him to set up a “first-aid centre” in camp 1, the death camp. With Doctor Natolski and Lieutenant Marian Tatarczuk, who were both Polish political prisoners, and Stephen Green of the British Red Cross, Hardman created the first improvised hospital at Belsen in what had been the SS pharmacy, which contained some medical supplies. Hardman got it cleaned up by SS women, and doctors and nurses among the inmates helped to establish it. There was space for about a dozen beds, with two patients to a bed, so that it accommodated twenty to thirty sick people at a time. Serving in the first four weeks of liberation as a miniature hospital, its staff struggled to save lives, caring for critically ill people until they could be evacuated to the new hospital in the military barracks. Affidavit of Richard Natolski at Belsen Trial I am a doctor of medicine and 42 years old. I was arrested on 7th January, 1940, as being a meber of the Polish Partisan Army. I have been in concentration camps ever since and came to Belsen only on 11th April, 1945.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Naylor, Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 00/01/1900
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Neilson, Harold (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Nesbitt, George William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 01/06/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Nesbitt, Matthew (RCAF)
126 Wing RCAF. Left their station at Wunstorf and spent approximately four days assisting at Bergen-Belsen
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Newby, Harry (RAMC)
My father was in the Army Medical Corps. during World War II, his unit was one of the first in April 1945 to reach Bergen-Belsen, the consentration camp in Lower Saxony northern Germany, were 70,000 Soviet and Political prisoners had died.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Newson, George
My Grandfather, Trooper George Newson, helped liberate Belsen as part of the Royal Armourmed Corp More
Submitted by: Kevin Moore

Newton, Stanley (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Nicholas, David Alwyne (RAF)
David Alwyne Nicholas More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Nicholls, Edgar (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Nicholls, James Alfred (113 LAA)
LANCE BOMBARDIER 1795509 113th Light Anti Aircraft, DLI Awarded MILITARY MEDAL
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Nicklin, Cyril
113th Durham Light Infantry
Submitted by: Nick Price

Nixon, Ernest
6th Guards Tank Brigade. “He had to bulldoze bodies into a pit using his tank with a large blade attached to the front. I believe my Father had influenza at the time and his duties were turned over to another guardsman.”
Submitted by: Archive

Noble, John (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 27/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Noble, Kathleen Amy (nee Cogan)
Kathleen Amy Noble nee Cogan 1891-1980
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Norquay, John Scott (Dr) (RCAF)
At the age of 19, Scott volunteered to serve in the Royal Canadian Air Force for the duration of the Second World War. Following his training at Trenton, Ontario, as a leading aircraftman, he served on the staff of the ground instructing crews at Calgary and Vancouver. He then joined the ground crew of bomber Squadron 415 in England, rising to the rank of Sergeant. In anticipation of the D-Day invasion, he transferred to 143 Wing in order to support fighter air bases in Europe. Scott joined the liberating forces in France on D-Day plus 6, moving on to air bases in Belgium and Holland. He moved on to Germany to join the Allied forces who had just liberated Bergen-Belsen, where he witnessed the horror of the Nazi atrocities and assisted with the rescue of the survivors. He returned to Canada in June of 1945. Nov 14, 1920 - Sep 07, 2009
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

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Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Huddersfield soldier Walter Stott was one of the first soldiers to enter Belsen Concentration Camp. His testimony was part of Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Blackbell, E W (Capt.) (113 LAA) Birth 17 Aug 1912 Sunderland, Durham, England Death 1981 Sunderland, Durham, England (River Maas, Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Auschwitz Memorial bring together the most important facts about the last stage of the operation of this German Nazi camp. Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
During early April a notice appeared in the Medical Schools of the London hospitals asking for twelve volunteers from each Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
British Red Cross. Pic: George Packman is first left in the picture, helping to rescue a German Pilot in WW2 Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
William Dillon Hughes (son of Richard Hughes and Hannah Barton) was born 23 December 1900 in Ardglass, County Down, Ireland, Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Social worker Andy Strowman would like the council to honour this ‘humble, kind and gentle man’ with a memorial plaque Read more
Motherwell and Wishaw ‘s MP had her own thoughts as she signed a book of commemoration for Holocaust Memorial Day. Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
William Aubrey Southwood. 1st December 1919 - 20th June 2007. Army No. 3966329 A remarkable photograph of William in the Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
James Norman Matthews - some photographs sent back to home while he was stationed abroad i.e. France, Antwerp Oct 1944, Read more

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Liberation of Bergen Belsen

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This site will progress and I’d encourage anyone with any info to get in touch. My granddad, Reg Price served with the 113th Durham Light Infantry*, as part of 369 Battery. As a signwriter, he produced this sign…

Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp
The Sign at the Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

And this was kept in the family for years – so for the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Belsen in 2020, subsequent VE Day and VJ Day, I thought it’s about time I’d try to find out more about Reg – his comrades (many of which are names, simply written on the back of photos), what they did together and for a way to remember them all, properly.

To coinicide with the anniversary, I was able to be filmed both on national and local BBC TV to tell Reg’s Story.
Whilst this was totally out of my comfort zone and I dreaded every moment – I decided I needed to do something to start this all off. BBC Midlands Today aired 7th May and a VE Day Antiques Roadshow Special aired Sunday 10th May.

Read here about The Heroes of Belsen.

The main photo, shown here was coloured for the 75th Anniversary and we’ll tell you all about it shortly – and what happened next!

*Just 113th Durham Light Infantry? No we are interested in all Service and Medical personnel who took part during the humanitarian effort at Belsen Concentration Camp. Their roles and names are largely forgotten, as many were too horrified to ever speak of what they had to do, so this archive seeks to form a tribute to ALL those that were there, to find out more and to remember them.
If you have a relative, or any info, on the relief effort at Belsen, we’d love you to please get in touch. Email us: – Thank you


UPDATE: 2025. Apologies for the ridiculous amount of Google adverts within the site. We are looking into changing this, to a more appropriate level. That said, the adverts do generate income to keep this site going.

The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

Any 113th Durham Light Infantry friends or family are encouraged to get in touch via

** In 1938 the old 5th Battalion DLI changed its role to Searchlights and then in 1940 to Anti-Aircraft. This 113th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment went to Normandy in June 1944 and joined the advance into Germany in early 1945.
Official designation – Brigade: 100 AA • Division: 30 Corps. • Unit: 113 LAA Regt. RA (DLI) TA.

The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp
Names of British soldiers who liberated Belsen

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