Lt. Alan Wilson (AFPU)
Lt Alan Wilson of Glasgow, is dusted with DDT (to protect him from typhus) before entering the camp. 20th April 1945. This photo was taken by Sgt Harry Oakes (AFPU). 9,987 total views
Sergeant Ian James Grant (APFU)
Ian James Grant was born in Edinburgh in 1917 and was called up for military service in 1940, initially spending two and a half years with the Royal Scots as a Lance-Corporal. 10,050 total views
No. 5 AFPU Ft. Norman Midgley
The Army Film and Photographic Unit was a subdivision of the British armed forces set up on 24 October 1941, to record military events in which the British and Commonwealth armies was engaged. During the war, almost 23 percent of all AFPU soldiers were killed in action; the AFPU was disbanded in 1946. 11,275 total views