Yehuda Danzig
Toronto man recognizes himself in Bergen-Belsen photo. 10,923 total views
14 Amplifier Unit
On 15 April at the request of GSO, 11 Armoured Division, 14 Amplifier Unit joined 23 Hussars and accompanied them into the “neutral zone” of Belsen Concentration Camp. 9,310 total views
Sgt Bert Young of G Company 8th Battalion the Rifle Brigade
On 14 April 1945 my father Sgt Bert Young of G Company 8th Battalion the Rifle Brigade came upon Bergen Concentration camp. 11,589 total views
Derrick A Sington – 14 Amplifier Unit
On 15 April at the request of GSO, 11 Armoured Division, 14 Amplifier Unit joined 23 Hussars and accompanied them into the “neutral zone” of Belsen Concentration Camp. 10,006 total views
Edmond Boyd – Medical Student
At 23, Edmond Boyd was a privileged, upper-class Cambridge medical student who wanted to be a journalist, but was encouraged into medicine by his father. 8,848 total views
Wilfred Evans (113 LAA)
1909–1999 9,742 total views
First in – 63rd Anti Tank Regt.
A super photo of B Troop, Anti Tank Regt. 249 Battery. (Oxford Yeomanry). 11,597 total views
Richard Elberfeld – American Field Service
My father, Richard Bradford Elberfeld, was a member of the American Field Service, attached to a British unit who liberated Bergen Belsen. 9,905 total views
Eric Trott – RAMC
Social worker Andy Strowman would like the council to honour this ‘humble, kind and gentle man’ with a memorial plaque in Edward Street where he lived. 7,076 total views
William Aubrey Southwood
William Aubrey Southwood. 1st December 1919 – 20th June 2007. Army No. 3966329 9,216 total views